Rutgers - Continuing Professional Education
Environmental Training Courses
Upcoming Course Offerings:
March 2025
Regulatory Training in USTs
If you work on USTs, you need this course! Whether you are becoming certified for the first time or just need to recertify, you will get the regulatory information you need to stay current with New Jersey's UST requirements and help your clients or employer avoid potential penalty liability.
April 2025
Environmental Law for Attorneys and LSRPs
This class is “Team” taught by NJ’s top environmental attorneys, LSRPs, and regulators so that all parties understand the perspectives, roles, and responsibilities of the other project members. Major case law decisions and site remediation case studies will be presented to demonstrate the different roles and viewpoints of all members of the Team. A client’s perspective also will be included.
The Science and Practical Aspects of In situ Technologies
This class will present the science and practical aspects of bioremediation, chemical oxidation, thermal treatment (ERH, TCH, SEE) and zero valent iron (along with other reducing technologies).
Safe Drinking Water Act Regulatory Update
The 2025 Safe Drinking Water Act Regulatory Update course will be held online and compressed into three (3) half-day sessions, designed to give you regulatory and operational information on specific topics. Register for all three sessions, a single session of interest, or any combination in between.
The Science and Practical Aspects of In situ Technologies
This class will present the science and practical aspects of bioremediation, chemical oxidation, thermal treatment (ERH, TCH, SEE) and zero valent iron (along with other reducing technologies).
NJDEP Complying with the NJ Pollution Prevention Act
The course will also show a step-by-step walkthrough of P2 Plan Summary and Release and Pollution Prevention Report (RPPR) part A and B filing. The more straightforward alternative (the P2-115 form) to completing sections C and D of the P2 Progress Report will also be covered. Facilities that are required to report at least one Form R to the Federal TRI program are also covered by the P2 Planning requirements. Even if a facility reports on only one TRI chemical on a Form R, a Plan must be prepared for all TRI chemicals used in quantities over the NJ threshold.
This class is part of the NJDEP Qualified Environmental Air Compliance Auditor Program!
May 2025
Regulatory Training in Underground Storage Tanks
If you work on USTs, you need this course! Whether you are becoming certified for the first time or just need to recertify, you will get the regulatory information you need to stay current with New Jersey's UST requirements and help your clients or employer avoid potential penalty liability.
Auditor's Workshop: Managing Environmental Compliance
Managing your company’s environmental compliance means reducing exposure to unnecessary environmental risks. When it comes to potential savings that can be identified through an environmental audit, an auditor can examine the facility’s environmental records and the organization’s environmental policies and regulatory responsibilities. Companies with good environmental management systems incorporate the principles of resource conservation and pollution prevention into their everyday practices to help achieve regulatory compliance.
This class is part of the NJDEP Qualified Environmental Air Compliance Auditor Program!
Bridging the Gap: NJDEP and Municipal UHOT Regulations
The municipality and the NJDEP operate independently of one another, but ultimately, decisions made by the local municipal inspectors can have ramifications for homeowners and UHOT contractors if and when the NJDEP takes over. In this training program, we’ll aim to close these gaps by allowing for greater transparency, communication, education, and outreach between municipal inspectors and the NJDEP.
Streambank Restoration: Planning, Engineering, & Implementation
The objective of this course is to provide practitioners with an overview of streambank restoration in the state of New Jersey. The course topics will be highlighted with a review of case studies to illustrate the streambank restoration process and lessons learned in a real-world manner.
Mold Evaluation
This course provides an overview of recognition of mold, sources of mold, personal protection for those testing for mold, potential health risks, testing and analysis methods, building visual interior inspections, non-invasive moisture testing, prevention, and mold remediation techniques.
June 2025
Practical Applications in Hydrogeology
This informative program will familiarize you with the theory and practice of hydrogeology, including guiding principles, basic mathematical relationships of groundwater flow, the mechanisms of groundwater contaminant fate and transport, the range of effective soil and groundwater remedial strategies, the groundwater regulatory regime in New Jersey, and the application of a range of groundwater models. The presenters are on the cutting edge of recent developments, including emerging contaminants and regulatory changes.
NJDEP Air Quality Permitting Workshop
This course will help guide you through the air permitting process in New Jersey. It has been updated to inform participants of the latest processes and procedures that will result in the most timely and flexible permits. Our team of experienced instructors will help you understand what permits you need, how to get them, and what to do after you have them. They will also give you an “insider’s guide” to the NJDEP website and show you how to streamline the permit application process online. Learn how to save time and money while keeping our air clean!
Ecological Risk Assessment
online program provides attendees with a comprehensive overview of regulatory expectations of ecological risk assessments from both federal and state perspectives. Participants will learn to help clients understand how the ecological risk assessment process aids in developing realistic approaches to remediating sites. LSRPs will gain more perspective on the role that ecological risk assessment plays in establishing site clean-up goals.
On June 17 & 18, 2025 (from 9 am – 12:30 pm each day), learn about the methodologies and innovative approaches being employed to conduct ecological risk evaluations and assessments of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems under CERCLA, RCRA, and various state mandates. On June 24 & 25, 2025 (from 9 am – 12:30 pm each day), NJDEP representatives will take you through the updated NJ guidance document for the completion of ecological risk assessments under the Licensed Site Remediation Professionals (LSRP) Program.
Other Training Areas that May Be of Interest:
Bee-ginner's Beekeeping
Noise Enforcement Training
Air Pollution Training
NJ Recycling Certification Series
NJ Clean Communities Coordinator Training (Certification or Recertification)
Contact Pam Mayer at with questions.